More on the different ways to get involved

Do you enjoy writing in your spare time? Or are you keen to hone your craft and build a portfolio of written work to show to future employers?
Then 5-9 can help! We're looking for more volunteers to join the team, specific details on roles below:
Music writer - Our inbox is full of requests to review upcoming music releases and occasionally gig-going opportunities too. It would be great to cover more of this with extra hands on deck.
Sport lead/writer - One of a few areas needing some love and attention. If you are keen to use the 5-9 platform to write on sport, get in touch!
Books lead/writer - Are you a bookworm who likes writing reviews? Get in touch!
TV lead/writer - If you fancy contributing your thoughts on the latest Netflix drama, the newest Welcome to Wrexham series or whatever it is, it would be great to hear more.
All other suggestions welcome too. Simply email to get the ball rolling!